Lenten Discipline for Disciple
So, Ash Wednesday rightly begins our 40-day season of repentance. It also begins a time for fasting and sacrifice. To remind us of this, Ash Wednesday is designated as a day of both fast and abstinence from meat. This means the faithful are generally prescribed to engage in a day of fast (only one full meal, two much smaller meals) and abstinence (no consumption of meat). Fasting and abstinence also applies on Good Friday. Abstinence from meat (without fasting) also applies to every Friday in Lent. Fasting is mandate for all Catholics ages 18-59, while abstinence from meet applies to all Catholics 14 on up. While the Church does set these age limits, it is commendable for all Catholics of all ages to join in the disciplines of Lent if they are able – no matter their ages.