Examination of Conscience
In order to make good and integral Confession, one must take time and prepare for the Sacrament by an examination of his conscience. The examination must be earnest and not cursory. Below is an examination of conscience that is used here at Immaculate Conception Parish, it is based on the Ten Commandments, the Precepts of the Church, the Seven Deadly Sin, and other considerations.
The First Commandment:
I am the Lord your God;
you shall not have strange gods before me.
The Second Commandment:
You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.
The Third Commandment:
Remember to keep holy the Lord's day.
The Fourth Commandment:
Honor your father and your mother.
The Fifth Commandment:
You shall not kill.
The Sixth & the Ninth Commandments:
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
The Seventh & the Tenth Commandment:
You shall not steal.
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
The Eighth Commandment:
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Also reflect on
The Precepts of the Church
Also reflect on the
Seven Capital (Deadly) Sins
Other Considerations
I am the Lord your God;
you shall not have strange gods before me.
- Have I complained against God because of adversity or tough times?
- Have I neglected or shunned prayer?
- Have I presumed upon God's mercy in committing sin?
- Have I read books, or partaken in movements opposed to the Church and her teachings?
- Have I made use of superstitious practices, such as: believing in horoscopes or charms; consulting fortune tellers; or using a Ouija board, etc.?
- Have I spoken ill of the clergy or the Church or desecrated any sacred vessels or objects?
The Second Commandment:
You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.
- Have I used the name of God with irreverence?
- Have I used the names of saints with irreverence?
- Have I sworn (which means calling upon God to witness the truth of what I say) without a good reason, or falsely?
- Have I cursed (the calling down of some evil on a person, place, or thing)?
- Have I blasphemed (used insulting language to express contempt) against God, His saints, or holy things?
The Third Commandment:
Remember to keep holy the Lord's day.
- Have I failed to attend Mass on Sunday or on a Holy Day of Obligation?
- Have I done unnecessary servile work on Sunday?
- Have I been responsible for others doing unnecessary servile work on Sunday?
The Fourth Commandment:
Honor your father and your mother.
- Have I been obedient to my parents and lawful superiors? Have I deceived them?
- Have I been a good citizen?
- Have I shown respect toward aged parents?
- Have I properly used my authority over those in my care or those in my charge?
The Fifth Commandment:
You shall not kill.
- Have I killed, injured, or demeaned another person?
- Have I been guilty of fighting, anger, hatred, revenge, or drunkenness?
- Have I been the occasion of another's sin through my bad example in word or deed?
- Have I refused to forgive a person?
- Have I used provoking or hateful language?
The Sixth & the Ninth Commandments:
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
- Have I taken pleasure in impure thoughts or desires?
- Have I said impure things?
- Have intentionally listened to or viewed impure or prurient things?
- Have I touched another person in an impure manner?
- Have I let others touch me in an impure manner?
- Have I committed an impure act either alone or with others?
The Seventh & the Tenth Commandment:
You shall not steal.
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
- Have I stolen anything?
- Have I desired to steal anything?
- Have I been unjust in buying or selling?
- Have I damaged the property of others?
- Have I accepted or kept stolen goods?
- Have I paid my just debts as soon as possible?
- Has my daily work merited its pay check?
- Have I damaged another person’s property?
The Eighth Commandment:
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- Have I told lies, especially to those who have a right to know the truth?
- Have I been guilty of rash judgment (i.e., have I believed something harmful to another person's character without sufficient reason)?
- Have I been guilty of detraction (i.e., without a good reason, have I made known the hidden faults of another person)?
- Have I been guilty of calumny (i.e., by lying, have I injured the good name of another person)?
Also reflect on
The Precepts of the Church
- Have I failed to confess my sins at least once a year, when conscious of mortal sin?
- Have I failed to observe Church’s teaching calling me to receive Holy Communion at least once a year, especially during the Easter season?
- Have I failed to fast according to Church law when obligated to do so?
- Have I failed to abstain from eating meat when obligated to do so?
- Have I failed to contribute, as well as I am able, to the support of the Church and her good works.
- Have I failed to observe Church’s laws and teachings on marriage?
Also reflect on the
Seven Capital (Deadly) Sins
- Pride: Over- appreciation of one’s own worth.
- Greed: An excessive desire for earthly goods.
- Lust: A desire for impure pleasures.
- Anger: An inordinate desire for revenge.
- Gluttony: An excessive use of food and drink.
- Envy: Sorrow over the good fortune of others.
- Sloth: Laziness in doing right.
Other Considerations
- Have I been an accessory to another’s sin?
- Have I defrauded anyone?
- Have I engaged in willful murder, sodomy, or oppression of the poor?
- Have I cheated laborers of their just wages?
- Have I been a near occasion of sin to another?
- Have I failed to avoid the near occasion for myself?